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int forcePin = A0; //map the FSR sensor to pin A0
int fanPin = D0; //map the fan to pin D0
int thresholdValue = 2000; //trigger the fan when detected pressure is larger than this number
int forceRead; //the detected pressure
String state; //define when the fan should be on and should be off
int condition = 0

void setup() {
  pinMode(forcePin, INPUT);
  pinMode(fanPin, OUTPUT);
  Particle.variable ("track",forceRead);
  Particle.subscribe("K-Aurapress-detected", myHandler);
//subscribe to the other device while the coupled should subscribe to "Y-Aurapress-detected"

void loop(){
  forceRead = analogRead(forcePin);
  if(forceRead > thresholdValue and condition == 0){
    state = "yes";
    Particle.publish("Y-Aurapress-detected", state);
    condition == 1;
//publish "Y" event when the FSR senses pressure to trigger the fan
  }else if(forceRead <= thresholdValue and condition == 1){
    state = "no";
    condition == 0;
    Particle.publish("Y-Aurapress-detected", state);
//publish "Y" event again when the FSR cannot sense any pressure to stop the fan

void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data){
  String has = String(data);
  if (has == "yes"){
  }else if (has == "no"){
void spinthefan(){
void stopthefan(){
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