Bill of Materials: Guardian Teddy - Receiver circuit.fzz
/Users/rahulvignesh/Documents/A Mini notes/Internet of Things/Coding days/Creative Project -2 /Fritzing/Guardian Teddy - Receiver circuit.fzz
Tuesday, November 26 2019, 22:55:17
Assembly List
Label |
Part Type |
Properties |
Argon1 |
Particle Argon |
variant variant 3 |
D1 |
Rectifier Diode |
package 300 mil [THT]; type Rectifier; part # 1N4001 |
Vibration Motor |
Q1 |
TIP120 Hi-Current Darlington Transistor |
R1 |
220 Ω Resistor |
package THT; tolerance ±5%; bands 4; resistance 220Ω; pin spacing 400 mil |
VCC1 |
4 x AAA Battery Mount |
voltage 4.8V |
Shopping List
Amount |
Part Type |
Properties |
1 |
Particle Argon |
variant variant 3 |
1 |
Rectifier Diode |
package 300 mil [THT]; type Rectifier; part # 1N4001 |
1 |
Vibration Motor |
1 |
TIP120 Hi-Current Darlington Transistor |
1 |
220 Ω Resistor |
package THT; tolerance ±5%; bands 4; resistance 220Ω; pin spacing 400 mil |
1 |
4 x AAA Battery Mount |
voltage 4.8V |
Exported with Fritzing 0.8.7-