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This project attempts to create a simulation of future bioluminescent plants that can provides an ambient atmospheric light after sunset and responds to humans by communicating in subtle ways.
in IoT Products Design
1 256 0 0
PinBot is a creative exploration in the realm of conversational user interfaces. It doesn't have a UI of its own but adapts to facebook messenger's interface affordances. PinBot allows you to curate inspiration on the go and curate it on your main profile but saves a trip to Pinterest application.
in Web Services Engineering Design
1 187 0 0
A translation bot for those times for when you can't find the right words.
in Design IoT Products
1 216 0 0
A translation bot for those times when you just can't find the right words.
1 160 0 0
A translation bot for those times when you just don't have the words for what you want to say.
in IoT Products
1 206 0 0