/*The code is meant to turn on the fan in the #MuslimBan ambient device. The
ambient device turns on a fan that turns taunt a caged bird. The bird flaps
its wings and there is a sound caused by a dc motor that promotes anxiousness.
The different devices are triggered by an event.
int controlpin = D2; //Controls the fan
int monitorlight = D7; //Light for testing
const int pwr_off = 0; //Sets analog signal to 0
int on_time = 3000; //This was originally use to learn how to control and wire the fan
int off_time = 1000; //This was originally use to learn how to control and wire the fan
int fan_on = 0; //This variable triggers the code action to take place when the event occurs
int pwr_cmd = 100; //how fast the fan spins
int fan_time = 9000; //how long the fan spins in ms
void setup()
pinMode(controlpin, OUTPUT); //Sets up the the fan control pin
pinMode(monitorlight, OUTPUT); //The light on the photon is set up for testing
Particle.subscribe("melikey",event_driven); //This is the name of the event that triggers all the devices
void loop()
if (fan_on == 1) //fan_on variable is changed when the event is triggered
//This segment of code is used to make test and make the original circuit, it was replaced by the fan_control fuction
/*digitalWrite(monitorlight, HIGH);
digitalWrite(controlpin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(monitorlight, LOW);
digitalWrite(controlpin, LOW);
fan_control(pwr_cmd,fan_time); //fan function take power level and time on
fan_on = 0; //change the intializing variable so that the fan only turns on once.
void fan_control(int pwr_lvl, int duration)
int pwr_cmd = map(pwr_lvl, 0, 100, 0, 255); //maps the 0-100% to the analog values required
analogWrite(controlpin, pwr_cmd); // Writes the power of the fan
delay(duration); // How long will the fan will be turned on
analogWrite(controlpin, pwr_off); // Turns off the fan
void event_driven(const char *event, const char *data)
fan_on = 1;
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