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Setup setup

Setup user setup

SetupFirstName my name is {fname}

SetupFirstName my first name is {fname}

SetupLastName my last name is {lname}

SetupLastName my family name is {lname}

SetupBabyName my baby's name is {bname}

SetupBabyName her name is {bname}

SetupBabyName his name is {bname}

SetupBabyGender my baby is a {gender}

SetupBabyGender she is a {gender}

SetupBabyGender he is a {gender}

SetupPassword my password is {password}

SetupPassword my password will be {password}

SetupPassword make my password {password}

BeginBreastFeeding started breast feeding

BeginBreastFeeding is breast feeding

BeginBreastFeeding I started breast feeding

BeginBreastFeeding she is breast feeding

BeginBreastFeeding he is breast feeding

SetBreastSide feeding on the {side} side

SetBreastSide is feeding on the {side} side

SetBreastSide feeding on {side} side

SetBreastSide she is on the {side} side

SetBreastSide he is on the {side} side

EndBreastFeeding breast feeding done

EndBreastFeeding done breast feeding

EndBreastFeeding breast done

EndBreastFeeding she finished breast feeding

EndBreastFeeding he finished breast feeding

BreastFeedingQuality {rating}

BreastFeedingQuality the experience was {rating}

BreastFeedingQuality I would rate it {rating}

BeginBottleFeeding start bottle feeding

BeginBottleFeeding feeding on the bottle

BeginBottleFeeding begin bottle feeding timer

BeginBottleFeeding is drinking a bottle

BeginBottleFeeding is drinking a bottle

BeginBottleFeeding is being bottle fed

BeginBottleFeeding is being bottle fed

BottleAmount is drinking {amount} ounce.

BottleAmount is drinking {amount} ounce.

BottleAmount is feeding {amount} ounce.

BottleAmount had {amount} ounce.

BottleAmount had {amount} ounce.

EndBottleFeeding bottle done

EndBottleFeeding bottle feeding done

EndBottleFeeding she finished the bottle

EndBottleFeeding he finished the bottle

EndBottleFeeding she is done with the bottle

EndBottleFeeding he is done with the bottle

LastFeeding last feeding

LastFeeding check last feeding

LastFeeding when was the last feeding

LastFeeding when did she feed last

LastFeeding when did he feed last

BeginPumping begin pumping

BeginPumping I begin pumping

BeginPumping begin pumping timer

PumpingSide I am pumping on the {side} side

PumpingSide pumping on the {side} side

EndPumping pumping done

EndPumping pumping finished

EndPumping end pumping timer

EndPumping I'm done pumping

PumpingAmount I pumped {amount} ounce

PumpingAmount I got {amount} ounce

LastPumping last pumping

LastPumping when was the last pumping

LastPumping when did I last pump

DChange diaper change

DChange diaper

DChange has a diaper change

DType she had a {type} in the diaper

DType he had a {type} in the diaper

DType there was a {type}

DType it was a {type}

DType has a {type} diaper

LastDiaper last diaper

LastDiaper when was the last diaper

LastDiaper what was the last diaper
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