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//  Webhook Function

void doWebhookSMS(){
  if( state == 0 ){
    Particle.publish("smart_food_webhook_sms", "Hey! Smartware here. Put me in the fridge to start my 7 day timer or reply SET to set the timer manually.", PRIVATE);
    state = STATE_SMS_SENT;
  }else if( state == STATE_TURN_ON && hasSentColdSMS == 0){
    Particle.publish("smart_food_webhook_sms", "Aaa, nice and cool. Your smartware timer has started.", PRIVATE);
    hasSentColdSMS = 1;
  }else if( state == 1 ){
    Particle.publish("smart_food_webhook_sms", "Aaa, nice and cool. Your smartware timer has started.", PRIVATE);
  }else if( state == 2 && hasElapsed2 == 1 && hasSentElapsed2 == 0 ){ // Send SMS after 2 days
    Particle.publish("smart_food_webhook_sms", "Food waste costs the average American family up to $2,000/year, but youre not average are you? ;)", PRIVATE);
  }else if( state == 2 && has3daysLeft == 1 && hasSent3daysLeft == 0 ){ // Send SMS 3 days before complete
    Particle.publish("smart_food_webhook_sms", "30-40 percent of food produced in the US gets wasted. 43 percent of that happens at the hands of the consumer. Eat leftovers. Check. Save the world. Check.", PRIVATE);
  }else if( state == 2 && has1dayLeft == 1 && hasSent1dayLeft == 0 ){ // Send SMS 1 day before complete
    Particle.publish("smart_food_webhook_sms", "Remember to eat your leftovers! The smartware timer ends tomorrow.", PRIVATE);
  }else if( state == STATE_TURN_OFF ){
    Particle.publish("smart_food_webhook_sms", "I hope you enjoyed your leftovers! Shutting down now.", PRIVATE);
  }else if( state == STATE_GAS_HIGH  && hasSentStinkySMS == 0){
    Particle.publish("smart_food_webhook_sms", "Whewwwww, thats getting ripe. Check your leftovers, my ditigal sniffer detected something funky.", PRIVATE);
    hasSentStinkySMS = 1; // only send one message
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