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// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "JsonParserGeneratorRK.h"

JsonParser parser;

int led1 = D0;

// setup() runs once, when the device is first turned on.
void setup() {
  // Put initialization like pinMode and begin functions here.



void getPAdata(){
    String sData = String(10);
    Particle.publish("bustime",sData,PRIVATE);                              //trigger the WEBHOOK
    Particle.subscribe("hook-response/bustime", myHandler, MY_DEVICES);     //get response

bool* makeLedPattern(int numberled, int interv, int val){    //generate a led pattern array
    bool* ledPattern;
    ledPattern = new bool[numberled];
    for (int i =0; i < sizeof(ledPattern); i++){   // fill array with false
        ledPattern[i] = false;
    if (val > 0){                           //if val > 0, generate a meaningful pattern; else generate an empty pattern
        int nled = val/interv;
        if (nled < numberled){
            ledPattern[nled] = true;
    return ledPattern;

bool* sumLedPattern(bool* first, bool* second){           //overlap two led pattern
    for (int i = 0; i< sizeof(first); i++){
        if (first[i] == true || second[i] == true){
            first[i] = true;
    return first;

void processLed(bool* Pattern, int sLedPin){           //pull led on in pattern; Pattern = the led pattern; sLedPin = the first led pin
    for (int i = 0; i< sizeof(Pattern); i++ ){
        if (Pattern[i] == true){
        } else {

void processData() {

  int nBus = parser.getReference().key("bustime-response").key("prd").size();
  String snBus = String (nBus);
  snBus = "Number of Bus:"+snBus;
  bool* resltLedPattern;
  resltLedPattern = makeLedPattern(8,5,-1); // generated an emplty pattern;
  if (nBus > 0) {                               // when number of bus > 0
  for(int i = 0; i < nBus; i++){
    String rtBus = parser.getReference().key("bustime-response").key("prd").index(i).key("rt").valueString();
    int prdctdnBus = parser.getReference().key("bustime-response").key("prd").index(i).key("prdctdn").valueInt();
    Particle.publish("showbustime","rtBus:"+rtBus+"; prdBus:"+String(prdctdnBus)+";",PRIVATE);
    bool* businfo;                                                          //generate pattern bus by bus
    businfo = makeLedPattern(8,5,prdctdnBus);
    resltLedPattern = sumLedPattern(resltLedPattern,businfo);               //overlay all pattern
  //  delay(300);
  processLed(resltLedPattern,led1);                 //light LED

void myHandler(const char *event, const char *data) {
  // Handle the integration response
  int responseIndex = 0;

//    Particle.publish("debugbustime","Event Name: "+String(event),PRIVATE);
    String sevent = String(event);                  
    String sresponseIndex = sevent.substring(sevent.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
    responseIndex = sresponseIndex.toInt();
//	Particle.publish("debugbustime","Current Chunk Number: "+String(responseIndex),PRIVATE);

	if (responseIndex == 0) {

	if (parser.parse()) {
		// Looks valid (we received all parts)
		// This printing thing is just for testing purposes, you should use the commands to
		// process data
		Particle.publish("debugbustime","Total Chunk Number: "+String(responseIndex+1),PRIVATE);

void ledrun(int numLeds, int sLed){  //for led test
    for(int i=0;i<numLeds;i++){
        pinMode(sLed+i, OUTPUT);

// loop() runs over and over again, as quickly as it can execute.
void loop() {
    delay(1*60*1000); //refresh data per 3 min
//    ledrun();
  // The core of your code will likely live here.

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