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I started the process with looking into the components that I can use. For the scope of this project and given the time constraint of one week, I decided to do a prototype demonstrator version of the actual product. Everything should be pretty  much similar if I'm doing the actual one. The reason is, most of the components I needed were already there in my IoT kit; The photo resistor, the lid and the servo motor. 

My system is comprised of two main systems; the sensing part and the output control. Luckily, I found similar projects and examples that I was able make use of their code. Below is a sample of the code I used from our GitHub website.  

Servo Code:  

Photo-resistor Code:

The reason I chose the servo motor is that for this particular application we need a motor that can rotate based on angle instruction instead of continuous rotation when connected to power.  I also made use of an example of a servo motor on our website. 

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