int ledPin1 = D2;
int ledPin2 = D0;
int buzzer = D3;
int buttonPin = D1;
bool isMediating = false;
long mediationStartTime = -1;
void setup()
interrupts(); // added to make recognize DHT library
pinMode( buttonPin , INPUT_PULLUP); // sets pin as input
pinMode( ledPin1 , OUTPUT ); // sets pin as output
pinMode( ledPin2 , OUTPUT );
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite( ledPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
//tone(buzzer, 1000, 500);
void loop()
// find out if the button is pushed or not by reading from it.
int buttonState = digitalRead( buttonPin );
// switch LED color to signify timer starting
if( isMediating == false && buttonState == LOW )
// read temp of dht and display
tempReading = analogRead(DHTPIN);
// blink blue LED to signify starting timer
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
// start the mediation cycle...
isMediating = true;
// keep a track of when we started meditating
mediationStartTime = millis();
// otherwise turn white led on during meditation session
digitalWrite( ledPin2, HIGH);
// signal buzzer and flash blue light to signify end of meditation session (10 minutes is up)
if( isMediating == true and mediationStartTime + 600000 < millis() ) {
tone(buzzer, 1000, 500);
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);
// update the start
isMediating = false;
mediationStartTime = -1;
// turn off both lights
if ( isMediating == false ) {
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
// anything less than 10 minutes, white light is on
else {
digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);
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