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int hallPin = A0;
int redPin = D0;
int greenPin = D1;
int pastState = 1;
int currentState = 1; // 1 = Green, 0 = Red

void setup(){

  pinMode( redPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode( greenPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (hallPin, INPUT);

void loop(){
  int hallState = digitalRead( hallPin ); // to store and read state of hall effect sensor

 if( hallState == LOW ) // LOW = vacant, HIGH = occupied
   digitalWrite( redPin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH); // green when vacant
   currentState = 1;
   if( currentState != pastState){
     Particle.publish("occupied"); // publish event to particle cloud
     pastState = currentState;


   digitalWrite( greenPin, LOW);
   digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH); // red when occupied
   currentState = 0;
   if( currentState != pastState){
     Particle.publish("vacant"); //publish event to particle cloud
     pastState = currentState;

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