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int ledPin = D0;
int tiltPin = D4;
int tiltReading;
int previous = 0;
String body = "Your housemate has just locked the door!";

void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(tiltPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  Particle.variable("tiltSensor", tiltReading );

void loop()
  tiltReading = digitalRead(tiltPin);

  if( tiltReading == 1 )
        // make sure once the sensor is tilted and stays in that position, the notification won't keep sending
        if( tiltReading != previous )
            // turn the LED On
            digitalWrite( ledPin, HIGH);
            // publish an event to Particle console
            Particle.publish( "iveBeenTilted" );
            Particle.publish("twilio_sms", body, PRIVATE);
            previous = tiltReading;

       // otherwise
       // turn the LED Off
       digitalWrite( ledPin, LOW);
       previous = tiltReading;


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