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 * Project Balance
 * Description: A scale that shows work/life balance.
 * Author: Corey Williams, Sarthak Giri, Hanyuan Zhang
 * Date: 2/4/2018

int servoPin = A4; //Assign a pin for the servo motor.
Servo myServo; //Initiate servo.
float workHours = 0.0; //Assign a variable for the number of hours worked in a day.
int servoPos = 100;
int balPos = 0;

void setup() {

  myServo.attach(servoPin); //Assign the servo motor to a pin.
  Particle.function("servo", servoControl); //Assign a function to change the motor position to the particle cloud.
  Particle.variable("servoPos", &servoPos, INT); //Assign servo position as a variable to the particle cloud.
  Particle.function("hours", timeToMove); //Assign a function to prototype the balance movement.
  myServo.write (servoPos); //Sets the servo position so that the balance arm is horizontal.

  Serial.begin(9600); //Start the serial monitor if needed.

void loop() { //All actions happen in the particle cloud so nothing is needed here.


int servoControl (String command) {

  int newPos = command.toInt(); //Turn input string into an integer.
  servoPos = constrain(newPos, 0, 180); //Contrain between 0 and 180 degrees.
  myServo.write (servoPos); //Move the motor.
  return servoPos;

int calcPos(float workHours, int servoPos) { //Calculate the direction that the servo should rotate.

  if (workHours >= 8.5) { //If you worked longer than 8.5 hours in a day...
    servoPos = servoPos + 2; //Rotate the servo 2 degrees toward "work".
    Serial.println("Working too much.");

  if (workHours <= 7.5) { //If you worked less than 7.5 hours in a day...
    servoPos = servoPos - 2; //Rotate the servo 2 degrees toward "life".
    Serial.println("Partying too much.");

  if (workHours < 8.5 && workHours > 7.5) { //If you worked between 7.5 hours and 8.5 hours in a day...

    if (servoPos >= 102) { //Bring the arm more horizontal if it is leaning toward "work".
      Serial.println("Back to balance.");
      servoPos = servoPos - 2;

    if (servoPos <= 98) {  //Bring the arm more horizontal if it is leaning toward "life".
      Serial.println("Back to balance.");
      servoPos = servoPos + 2;
  return servoPos;

int timeToMove (String command) {

  float workHours = command.toFloat(); //Convert an input string into a float.
  balPos = calcPos(workHours, servoPos); //Calculate which direction the servo should move.
  servoPos = constrain(balPos, 70, 130); //Keep the balance arm from moving too far.
  myServo.write(servoPos); //Move the servo.
  return servoPos;
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