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Code: At first, we were just going to have the fan turn off and on when any pressure was applied to the FSR, but after working with the code we realized that it was necessary to create a "thresholdValue" for the FSR digital pin that when reached, would activate the other person's fan. This is something we didn't originally take into consideration and learned through out the process. It also make the product more usable, because it will sense a pressure that is similar to a person's head and not any lighter pressure that wouldn't signal sleep.

Structure: At the beginning of the process we were going to create a diffuser that had the oil in a container underneath the fan, because we couldn't think of a way to get the fan to blow the oil from below. After some more focused thought and sketch iterations around this issue, we came up with a concept that had the oil soaked in a cloth and encased in a box so that it filled up the box. The cloth would also be above the fan. The fan would be at the bottom of the box and blow the scent out of the box when activated. 

Below is the final structure design sketch for "Aura You Sleeping?"

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