During the design process we encountered two major problems and these are described below.
1. Subscribing to an event in the cloud so that two particles can communicate with each other: It was difficult for us to figure out exactly how to structure our code so that we published the right event to the particle cloud, triggered the other particle to read the information, and then to get the other particle to react based on that information. We set up the structure correctly in our first attempt, but through a series of iterations of the code, we learned that we were communicating the wrong information through the cloud or that we were not consistently calling the correct function to activate the event once the information was read by the other particle. Once this was resolved, we were able to focus on stopping the event once activated.
2. Set up of the fan to an external battery: This was difficult for us because no one on our team had worked with an external battery before. We had to use one to support the 12V fan. Once we figured this out and located the correct external battery (and with the help of our TA Roberto Andaya) we were able to wire the fan correctly to our breadboard. We periodically experienced issues with the wiring during iterations because the wires on one of the fans were almost the same color, so we often wired it wrong. We suggest making sure not to use wires that look too similar when wiring a part (if you can avoid it, always do)!
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