Ginger is a Slackbot to maintain your grocery list. You can just slack her @gin about any additions and updates on your grocery list and she promptly keeps your list in check. Better still, when you mark things done on your list, she rewards you with a great recipe that you could cook from the things you bought.
Ginger is for anyone who wishes to be organised about their grocery list. If you feel lost at times in a super market wondering what you actually need, Ginger is for you.
You can ask Ginger to:
When you mark things done on your list, she makes the update promptly and rewards you with a great recipe using (in this example) bread or kale.
Ginger is smart, efficient and organized. You will notice that when you interact with her. She’s prompt with all her job and ensures there’s no confusion. She is always forgiving of any errors that a person might make - for example if you say ‘delete 14’ she will immediately check with you - ‘did you mistype?’ - allowing you to re-enter. She’s that friend who you go to to sort things out - calm and composed, always there for you but still keeps you from messing things up.
She’s also a food lover, so she loves sharing recipes with the things you bought. Well, she also takes pride in doing just a bit more than what you asked!
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