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Next Steps and Future Iterations:

Next steps for our bedroom IoT ecosystem could include to:

  • Develop a bank of different sounds and smells to support our product personalization. This is an ambitious goal but we believe that we can start small by offering a small range of choices and as we expand our product we could partner with perfumeries to develop customized smells. Purchasers of our products could then customize the smell and sounds to their state
  • Understand how we provide additional sensorial information to not only say what the weather is back home but also understand what season they are in (e.g., winter, spring, summer and fall) 
  • Think about the installation  process of our ecosystem. We should further think about the installation of these devices and how we can make the process easy and seamless. Studying companies such as Nest can provides us with information about best practices that we could use in the installation of our bedroom ecosystem
  • Explore how to make the ambient light device more abstract. As recommendation that was raised on our demo is it understand how we could make the icons of our weather partners more abstract so any culture can understand what is going on
  • Include a two-way communication between user and their familiar in order to strengthen those connections 

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