on_intent("INGREDIENT_TEST") do
# Access the slots
slots = request.intent.slots
puts slots.to_s
# pull in ingredients from the amazon.Food Slot
ingredients = request.intent.slots["ingredients"]
# Alexa Sessions
response.should_end_session = false
session_attributes[:ingredients] = ingredients
session_attributes[:cuisine] = ""
session_attributes[:dislikes] = ""
session_attributes[:intolerances] = ""
session_attributes[:diet] = ""
confirmations = [" Okay cool, I can work with that. ", " Perfect, lets keep this rolling. "]
prompts = [" Are you craving any type of cuisine in particular? ", " What kind of cusine are you thinking of?"]
response.set_output_speech_ssml('<speak>'+ confirmations.sample + prompts.sample + '</speak>')
# response.set_output_speech_ssml('<speak>Okay awesome! <break time="1s"/> Lets try making ' + recipeName +'<break time="2s"/> Keep an eye on your phone Im texting you some details now</speak>')
# Create a card response in the alexa app
response.set_simple_card("sous", + ingredients)
# log the output if needed
logger.info 'Ingredient test processed'
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