#Define unsplash methods to search for images with keywords
def search_unsplash_for response
Unsplash.configure do |config|
config.application_access_key = ENV['UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY']
config.application_secret = ENV['UNSPLASH_SECRET']
config.utm_source = "ExampleAppForClass"
search_results = Unsplash::Photo.search( response, 1, 1)
puts search_results.to_json
images = ""
puts search_results.size
search_results.each do |result|
#puts result.to_json
puts "Result"
image_thumb = result["urls"]["thumb"]
puts result["urls"]["thumb"].to_json
image_description = result["description"].to_s
images += "<img src='#{ image_thumb.to_s }' /><br/>"
images += "<hr/>"
return image_thumb.to_s
image = search_unsplash_for( keywords.join( ", ") )
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