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Scoping a project has always been something I struggled with. Right at the beginning of the project, I spent a lot of time trying to find a theme that I wanted to work on. If I were to do this again, I would focus on only one aspect, either creativity exercise or sourcing inspirational sites, and optimize the experience for that chosen aspect.

Adding an auto reminding feature will make this bot more useful. For example, the bot can send a designer a friendly notification every afternoon to see if he/she needs some creativity boost. Asking a user to translate the exercise to paper is not ideal. I debated a lot when I came across the exercise. However, I didn't find any exercise that can be done solely on-screen. Another workaround to this problem could be sending the user an email with the print-ready exercise.

Overall, I am happy that I took the course. It is only a start to coding, but I am now more confident to read and write code. I am sure the next bot I build will be more robust.

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