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 A Proposed Scenario

 It’s another day when Jane is struggling on what clothes to put on, she is invited to a cocktail party and can’t find her black dress that she has worn for too many times anyway. She thinks about the Ishtar Gate from Hillah, Iraq she analyzed for her art history class and is impressed again how beautiful the color combination it is. She then feed the picture of Ishtar Gate into her chat bot (or say the name to Alexa). The chat bot then sends back pictures with these suggested pieces: a water blue and gold tone accessories. “What a surprise!” says Jane and she found that she has a dress with a similar color and of course she also owns a bracelet that has a beautiful gold shape. Jane is more than satisfied with the result and decide to feed (tell) the chat bot to look at the 10 pictures from her collection and decide to look at the result next time when she looks for inspirations for what to shop or what to wear.    

Bot Biography

If they were real who would they be: The bot has a female fashion blogger image, 25 yrs, born and raised in LA, California, did not go to college, has a friendly and sharing personality.

Bot Description

Feel: Trait and Values – feels like a professional but has a “down to earth” personality, users will trust the bot but feels no distance between themselves and the bot.

Act: Examples of Personality – the bot reveals its personality if the user asks one or more questions, the bot has so much to share! Example: if asked “what I should wear to an outdoor wedding”, it answers with “the “no-white” rule always applies, but a stripped dress bypass the rule, it gives you both sense of formal as well as casual at the same time, you said outdoor wedding right?”

Say: Generally, the bot has a vivid but soft voice (professional yet friendly). When it is exiting to share something, it talks faster but full of enthusiasm. If the user does not like what the bot said or the bot does not understand, the bot would not be pissed off but patient to ask how it can help.

Sketch: (Credit to Megan Hess)

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