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1. Picking the soil moisture sensor, soldering wires in place, I first tested out the soil moisture sensors' functionality by its own setting up the circuit. I looked at the log while testing the sensor soaking in water and checked the results. The readings were perfectly accurate.

2. Because I don't have an actual irrigating system to test out with, I temporarily simulate the system with a DC motor available at the studio. However, this is where I had some troubles with. The DC motors won't turn on with the sensor connecting. It turned out later that this is because the voltage the motor requires is higher and there needs to be a transistor in order for the system to function. I looked into the TIP120's datasheet online, and set up with Dylan's great help. He was also patient in explaining to me the mechanisms behind how it works.

3. The system finally functioned perfectly: I set a range of moisture levels for the motor to run within. Further, the motor's frequency will automatically adjust based on the moisture sensor's reading.

4. I added the led sensor and codes for indication to the users. The logic is simple: if the moisture level is high, the motor turn off, led off; if the moisture level low, the motor turns on, led on .

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