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// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <neopixel.h>

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <neopixel.h>

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <neopixel.h>
#define PIXEL_COUNT 1
#define PIXEL_PIN D7
#define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812B
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, PIXEL_TYPE);

int redValue = 255; // Full brightness for an ANODE RGB LED is 0, and off 255
int greenValue = 255; // Full brightness for an ANODE RGB LED is 0, and off 255
int blueValue = 255; // Full brightness for an ANODE RGB LED is 0, and off 255</td>
int photoCellPin = A0;
int photoCellReading = 0;
//int button = D4;
int piezo = A5;
int b = 0;
void setup()

 //  pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);
  // Set up our NEOPIXEL RGB Pin pins for output


void loop()

    setRGBColor( 255,255,255);    // set it to white
   // b = digitalRead(button);
   b = analogRead(piezo); //read value from piezo sensor
   if ( b >800)// checkvalue from piezo sensor
  setRGBColor( 255,0,0);    // set it to red 
  delay( 3000);

    if(analogRead(photoCellPin) > 600) 
    setRGBColor( 255,0,0);    // set it to red
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds
    setRGBColor( 255,255,0);    // set it to yellow
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds
    setRGBColor( 255,127,0);    // set it to orange
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds
    setRGBColor( 255,0,255);    // set it to magenta
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds
    setRGBColor( 0,255,0);    // set it to green
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds
    setRGBColor( 0,255,0);    // set it to green
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds
    setRGBColor( 255,105,50);    // set it to red
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds
    setRGBColor( 255,55,110);    // set it to yellow
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds
    setRGBColor( 55,127,30);    // set it to orange
		delay( 100);						// wait 2 seconds


// Note that 
// Full brightness for an ANODE RGB LED is 0, and off 255
// So we set our RGB values to be 255 - value (invert them)

void setRGBColor( int r, int g, int b ){

  redValue = r;
  greenValue = g;
  blueValue = b;

  strip.setPixelColor(0, redValue, greenValue, blueValue);;
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