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Bill of Materials

AmountLabelPart TypeProperties
2NEOPIXELNeopixel Strip -- White WS2812color white
2ParticleArgonParticle Argon
variant variant 1s; part # Adafruit #3405
variant pyroelectric infrared-detectors; package to-39
2BreadboardHalf Breadboard
2.2" x 3.4" (5.5 cm x 8.5 cm); a set of power rails on each side. 

Execution III - Form:  

Our final form came together after many iterations using the foam core mockup we initially did. It was useful for us to learn through the foam core mockup to see how things would measure and influence our final form, including the addition of the PIR box and the backing of the bus stop to hide the wiring as well as an elevated surface of the ground of the mock-up to hide the circuit boards. We used white acrylic to create the form by laser cutting and bending the acrylic. We also added signage to the bus stop to have something in the bus stop that the people can turn to explain what’s going on (see Bus Signage A) and participate (see Bus Signage B), react by moving, in this experience. It was important for us to have this information up and easily accessible to the users.  

See Execution II Form for final videos and form pictures. 

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