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Business Model 

At Carnegie Mellon University, approximately 6 events are held every month that offer free food. In addition to that, around 40% of food goes uneaten in the U.S. Approximately $165 billion worth of food is wasted every year, according to Harvard Law School’s Food Law and Policy Clinic and the Natural Resources Defense Council, or NRDC, a nonprofit environmental action group.

Considering most CMU events fits approximately 80 people, with an average meal value of $7/student, each event wastes approximately $224 worth of food. That adds up to $1,344 per month and $16,128 per annum. 

After the pilot phase, the goal is to install 6 maps across the following locations at the CMU campus:

1) Tepper School of Business (part of pilot)

2) Cohon University Center (part of pilot)

3) Wean Hall 

4) Hamerschlag Hall 

5) Heinz College

6) Gates Building 

Cost Estimates

Cost of goods for 6 maps is $1,512 ( ~$42 for one, indicated below). Accounting for labor costs  ($15/hr - students) which comes up to $180, for a total 15 hrs of installation work. 

Therefore, the total cost of production and installation is $1,692 which will be recovered in 1 month and 8 days. 

$14,436 plus satisfied students will be the total return on investment in a year. 

Consumer Trust

Since we iterated our product from individual keychain to public campus map, our product does not draw personal data from students (especially ones that are food insecure). The information displayed on the map is open for everyone to view and utilize. Even if someone does not use the map for food-seeking purposes, our hope is that it will instill some wonder to those who see it and act as a helpful resource to those who may need some direction.  

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