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Bill of Materials

Assembly List

LabelPart TypeProperties
Part1Particle Argonvariant variant 1s; part # Adafruit #3405
Part2LED Matrix - Serial Interface - Red/Green/Bluetype 8x8 Dot Matrix; interface Serial
S1Pushbuttonpackage [SMD]
S2Pushbuttonpackage [SMD]
S3Pushbuttonpackage [SMD]

Shopping List

AmountPart TypeProperties
1Particle Argonvariant variant 1s; part # Adafruit #3405
1LED Matrix - Serial Interface - Red/Green/Bluetype 8x8 Dot Matrix; interface Serial
3Pushbuttonpackage [SMD]

For the Prototype:
  1. Foamcore sheet
  2. Acrylic Colors (green and yellow)
  3. Postits

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