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Future applications of Rings of Success

For future iterations, we want to experiment with the communication within two Rings of Success devices. If the team member A finishes a task and presses the button, how would that reflect on the other team member B's device. 

Secondly, we propose to introduce more playful iterations of animation on the matrix. Other ideas for display shared below are categorised as per the personalities of the users:

  1. The matrix showing a jumbled up pixelated display to spark the OCD inside the user. The idea is to trigger the need to organize, straighten, clean, and otherwise coddle the inner micromanager. When we spoke with potential users, we realised that people who like to use the task scheduler application suffer from OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) frequently and have unwanted thoughts urging them to have compulsive behaviors. This pixelated matrix will correct itself step-by-step as the user progresses to complete the tasks.
  2. Gamifiying the experience by allowing the user to complete a line of blocks by finishing the task. Pixel's fun graphics will certainly bolster its appeal, and  draw a simple gameplay. This idea was inspired by "Pixel drop game" which is legitimately one of the most addictive games out there. 

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