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// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <neopixel.h>
#define PIXEL_PIN D6
#define PIXEL_COUNT 9
#define PIXEL_TYPE WS2812

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(PIXEL_COUNT, PIXEL_PIN, PIXEL_TYPE); //Lamp

Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo
                // a maximum of eight servo objects can be created

int pos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position
int direction = 0 ;  // direction state, +1, 0 or -1

// This value will store the last time we published an event
long lastPublishedAt = 0;
// this is the time delay before we should publish a new event
// from this device
int publishAfter = 10000;
String check = "step0";

int distance = 0; 

bool gameState = false; 
String sharedEventName = "diot/2019/smartstudio/";
String flagEventName = "diot/2019/smartstudio/flag";

//set up button
int buttonPin = D3;
bool buttonState = HIGH;
int brightness = 20;

void setup()
  Particle.variable("distance", distance);

  Particle.subscribe( "diot/2019/smartstudio/flag", handleSharedEvent );
  Particle.subscribe( "diot/2019/smartstudio/lamp", handleSharedEvent ); // Lamp 
  Particle.variable("checking", check); 
  strip.begin();; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'
  pinMode( buttonPin , INPUT_PULLUP); // sets pin as input

  myservo.attach(D2);   // attach the servo on the D2 pin to the servo object
  myservo.write(25);    // test the servo by moving it to 25°


void loop()
    int volts_1 = analogRead(A0);
  //int calculated = (6762/(reading-9))-4;

   int volts = (3.3*(volts_1-900))/2000;  // value from sensor * (5/1024)
   int distance = 320/(1+10*volts);
//   int distance = 13*pow(volts, -1); // worked out from datasheet graph

  uint16_t i;
  uint32_t c = strip.Color(219, 101, 255);
  uint32_t w = strip.Color(255, 255, 255);
  uint32_t d = strip.Color(0,0,0);
  uint32_t r = strip.Color(255,0,0);
  buttonState = digitalRead( buttonPin );
    gameState = false; 
  //turn off light, LAMP EVENT 
  if (buttonState == LOW){
     gameState = false; 
      for (i=0; i< strip.numPixels() ; i++ ){
  Particle.publish("volts", String(volts));
  Particle.publish("distance", String(distance));
    myservo.write(0);       // move servo to 0° - ding!
    delay(500);             // wait 100 ms
    delay(500);             // wait 100 ms
     for (i=0; i< strip.numPixels() ; i++ ){

void publishEndEvent()
  // Remember that a device can publish at rate of about 1 event/sec,
  // with bursts of up to 4 allowed in 1 second.
  // Back to back burst of 4 messages will take 4 seconds to recover.
  // So we want to limit the amount of publish events that happen.

  // check that it's been 10 secondds since our last publish
  if( lastPublishedAt + publishAfter < millis() )

      String eventName = sharedEventName + "end/" + System.deviceID();

      // then we share it out
      Particle.publish( eventName, "Congrats!" );
      lastPublishedAt = millis();


void publishFlagEvent() //Flag
  // Remember that a device can publish at rate of about 1 event/sec,
  // with bursts of up to 4 allowed in 1 second.
  // Back to back burst of 4 messages will take 4 seconds to recover.
  // So we want to limit the amount of publish events that happen.

  // check that it's been 10 secondds since our last publish
  if( lastPublishedAt + publishAfter < millis() )
      String eventName = sharedEventName + "flag/" + System.deviceID();

      // then we share it out
      Particle.publish( eventName, "Move to next event" );
      lastPublishedAt = millis();


// Our event handlde requires two bits of information
// This gives us:
// A character array that consists of the event name
// A character array that contains the data published in the event we're responding to.
void handleSharedEvent(const char *event, const char *data)
    // Now we're getting ALL events published using "db2018/paired/"
    // This includes events from this device.
    // So we need to ignore any events that we sent.

    // Let's check the event name
    String eventName = String( event ); // convert to a string object
    // This gives us access to a bunch of built in methods
    // Like indexOf()
    // Locates a character or String within another String.
    // By default, searches from the beginning of the String,
    // but can also start from a given index,
    // allowing for the locating of all instances of the character or String.
    // It Returns: The index of val within the String, or -1 if not found.

    // We can use this to check if our event name contains the
    // id of this device

    String deviceID = System.deviceID();

    // device id = 0123456789abcdef
    // event = "diot/2019/paired/0123456789abcdef"

    if( eventName.indexOf( deviceID ) != -1 ){
      // if we get anything other than -1
      // the event came from this device.
      // so stop doing stuff


        gameState = true;

    // otherwise do your stuff to respond to
    // the paired device here

    //motorOn = true;


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