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As we were brainstorming some project ideas in the studio, someone in the meeting room closed the door behind us. We realized we were too loud and were inspired that we might be able to do something in this space. We quickly did some user research and found out that:

      • 86% of the MIIPS students have been bothered during a meeting in the studio
      • 85.7% of the students don’t realize that they make noises that might disturb others’ meetings.

Some other insights were:

  1. It’s very frustrating if some irrelevant people open the door accidentally during the meetings.
  2. For people outside of the meeting rooms, they need to physically check the room if it’s occupied because there is no indication for room availability.

Therefore, we identify the opportunity gap in the studio:

An IoT device that informs people outside about the important meetings while indicating the status of room occupation. 

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