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I ideated around how people already interact with their pets, how plants behave or are impacted by the environment, and what people would like to know about their plants. 

Considering priorities and constraints, the functions are narrowed down to the following: 

1. Sound: If attention is not received for a long time (e.g. 4 hours) the Piezo will play a tune at 10 minute intervals.

2. Status: When the owner presses on the fsr, the Plet sends a notification to comfort the owner. 

3. Emotional expressions: The Plet responds to outside environment and constantly shows its feeling.

  • Green light: It's growing! The lighting is suitable and Plet receives appropriate attention.
  • Blue light: Now feeling sad
  • Red light: In danger! Light turns red when the owner has not devoted attention to Plet for a long time. (assuming no watering, the plant needs care)
  • Purple light: Feels happy. Purple light flickers when the owner tends to Plet and also when the temperature is especially suitable. 

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