After deciding on the above approach, I began learning about how to use sensors, LEDs, and a piezo buzzer to relay information between the Particle board, the user, the environment, and the internet. After this stage, I followed the following steps to build the project:
1. Discovery: Research different IoT devices built with plants
2. Outline scaryPlant’s functionality and work flow
3. Build circuit and code for first stage, measuring light levels and then turning on indicator light
4. Build circuit and code for second stage, measuring force levels and turning on indicator light
5. Connect to IFTT and create applet in order to send information to Google Sheets
6. Build circuit and code for piezo buzzer, experiment and research how to play different tones and songs
7. Add piezo to circuit, code for loop that determines which sounds are played in which cases
8. Test full system, including Google Sheets connectivity
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