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1. I would like to either find a better way to get more accurate results from the PIR motion sensor or I might change it with another kind of sensor that performs similar functionality i.e. sense when there is motion around it and output.

2. I ran short of the Analog input pins(only 5-6 on Particle Argon) so I integrated all notes to one FSR touch but I would like to assign each of the 8 notes to 8 different FSR sensors in order to truly create a keyboard-like interaction. Also, I would like to reduce the amount of force that needs to be put on the FSR to trigger action and make it more subtle, easy to trigger sound from.

3. I would like to add a safety element at the bottom of this planter where backup keys can be stored. This is so that when someone touches that section, a message is sent to the owner asking to confirm if he knows where the back-up keys are and if they are in safe hands.

4. Finally, I would like to design form around it and make multiples of this to achieve the desired installation.

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