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Future Scope

Improper and irregular watering is the primary reason that causes the death of the plant. Wouldn't it be nice if the plant can talk to you and ask you for water when it needs them?

With integration of a water pump which will water the plant, the user can be enabled to take care of the plant even when they are not around it. This will create a more personal bond between the user and the plant.

Takeaways from this project

  • Making an object enchanted does not always involve giving it a superpower. Sometimes making inanimate objects to emote can make a big impact as it enables an emotional connection with the human.
  • Think simple and include functionality that add value to the experience of using the enchanted object. 
  • Always look for simple and instinctive ways of communication between the enchanted object and humans as the users can relate the object as another living entity which makes them powerful and indispensable.
  • Prototype with different form, function and materials to achieve your goal. 
  • Skills learned: working with sensors like FSR and soil moisture sensors, output components like servo motors and RGB LEDs, sharing sensor information on the internet through the Cloud API and allowing control of variables via the internet .


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