At first, we planned on using an FSR sensor to detect the amount of spice based on the weight. However, when prototyping we soon realized that the FSR is not sensitive enough for the weight of the spices. This made us pause and evaluate our requirements of what the device must be able to do and the available resources. Based on this evaluation the photoresistor seemed like the perfect fit. We did a quick test and it proved successful.
One of the challenges we faced with the photoresistor was identifying the different types. The studio had two different types of photoresistors with different sensitivities, and we needed to make sure we used the same type of photoresistor for the comparison to work. Another challenge we faced with the photoresistor was the code. We identified specific value ranges to set the conditions for the two spoons. However, once we changed rooms we had to change these ranges in the code to adapt to the lighting conditions of the new room. We fixed this issue by incorporating the feedback we received - first establishing the baseline reading by detecting current lighting, and then setting the conditions algebraically.
Initially, we had planned to use the spice jar itself as a way for the mom to signal her daughter. Some feedback led us in the direction of having a separate stand for the spoon that could be used for this purpose, as it would make that one spoon usable with a broad range of ingredients rather than just the spice in the jar. Further, it would make the spoon a standalone product rather than having to purchase the jar as well.
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