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Iteration and Refinement

Feedbacks and Suggestions from the First Prototype

  • The change is not "smart" enough - it could be more automatic.
  • I wish Argon can know whether my phone is on or off and make changes correspondingly.


Instead of using rheostat as the switch, we want to use information in a smarter way. We have thought using IFTTT to collect electrical devices on/off state but IFTTT didn't have the feature. Alternatively, we decided to use FSR sensors to extract information in the room. We wired three sensors to the nightstand and placed three electric devices on them correspondingly. Whenever one device is removed, its signal LED will light up and Neopixel shows the encoded color. This process is much more natural and intuitive than the first prototype.

Feedbacks and Suggestions from the Second Prototype

From the Proprietor

The lighting color temperature is a bit too prominent.

From our classmates

It would be great if the light would automatically turn off when no device is in use so that people don't have to get off the bed to turn off the light. 

Refinement (in code)

1. Adjust the lighting color temperature to meet the expectation of our proprietor.

2. Adding another mode of brightness to our project: when all devices are placed on the wireless charger (the sensor), the light would gradually dim off. 

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