Main Circuit:
(All features)
- 1 large breadboard
- Particle Argon
- x5 1k resistors
- x4 LEDs (red, green, yellow, blue)
- x4 Push Buttons
(red, green, yellow, blue)
- Flex Sensor
- WS2812 Neopixel (7 Pixel Count)
Recording and Sending Circuit
(Record and send features)
- 1 large breadboard
- Particle Argon
- x2 1k resistors
- x2 LEDs (red, green)
- x2 Push Buttons (red, green)
Speaker Circuit
(Play the audio message when called)
- 1 large breadboard
- Particle Argon
- DFPlayer Mini
- MicroSD Card, Kingston 64 GB (from Amazon)
- 1 small speaker that could be powered by 3.3V
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