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There were many challenges that arose in the code. 

Firstly, the DFPlayer would not play the single audio track on the microSD card, even though everything was wired correctly for an Particle Argon (Note - there is code for a DFPlayer, but it is either for Arduino or a Particle Photon). It turns out that we were using a faulty breadboard that did not connect the speaker correctly to the Argon. We also discovered that using only the 3.3V power supply on the Argon would not power the DFPlayer, Neopixels, LED's and pushbuttons. Hence, the use of three separate circuits that communicated through Particle.publish events. Later on, the speaker itself had very weak connections (however, no more small speakers were available for replacements), and only worked in certain positions.

 Secondly, we attempted to code the logic for the case that if the book was already open and the user receives a message. We ran into multiple issues trying to use previous and current state and a time duration variable and it taking 10 seconds per if-statement to decide what to do for each loop. We overcame this issue by having the book owner press the blue button when they want to hear the message.

Conclusions: Our team was able to complete a working prototype with three Particle boards communicating with each other seamlessly. We are satisfied with what we accomplished. We were able to share a video demonstration with Khansa herself, and she really loved what we put together. 

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