def get_nutrients body
url = ''
puts body
res = url, body: { query:body, timezone: "US/Eastern"}.to_json, headers: {'content-type' => 'application/json', 'x-app-id' => ENV['NUTRITIONIX_ID'], 'x-app-key' => ENV['NUTRITIONIX_KEY']}
total_fat = 0
total_protein = 0
total_cal = 0
if res['foods'].nil?
msg = "I can't seem to recognize any food in what you said. Can you be more specific please?"
session[:last_msg] = "further_log_meal"
return msg
res['foods'].each do |food|
total_fat += food['nf_total_fat']
total_protein += food['nf_protein']
total_cal += food['nf_calories']
#save changes to json file
# update_log total_cal, total_protein, total_fat
total_fat = total_fat.to_i
total_protein = total_protein.to_i
total_cal = total_cal.to_i
msg = "You consumed approximately #{total_cal} calories."
return msg, total_cal, total_protein, total_fat
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