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Fertility Band is a smart fertility band that can detect both parties hormones to indicate when both partners are at the optimal times to procreate. The band connects to an app which both users sync with and add each other on. From there, the bands sync with each other and output the following colors and patterns for each respective status.

  • User Not Fertile - White
  • User Fertile - Breathes Red
  • Both Users Fertile - Flashing Red
  • Either User Using Contraceptives - Blue
While this information isn’t overtly obvious, it is visually indicative - allowing others to see the status of any users they may be in the vicinity in. Additionally, this creates complete transparency between both members of a couple - for better or worse. 


IoT designers have a responsibility to think thoughtfully about what they design. As many IoT products make personal data private - whether through obvious or ambient methods - designers must think about the balance between making this information easily accessible for the user, but private as well. While users want glanceable devices, the desire for anonymity must be considered as well.

Additionally, IoT designers must think about users who chose to share content and how their desires may change over time. Users need to be given opportunities to remove access granted to those who they may no longer want to have access to their data in the future. It is imperative that users have control of their own data to ensure they are in control of their own person and feel safe.

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