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For newborn babies, one of the main methods to monitor their health is checking that they are regularly feeding and requiring diaper change. In relation to that, mothers who are breast feeding requires a similarly regular schedule to keep their milk supply constant. This requires the mother to also log their pumping schedule and any bottles that the baby receives as a result. And in the haziness of taking care of a newborn, memories become unreliable and apps require a hand to operate the phone, which is less than ideal when holding the baby. 

Using Ruby based app that is accessed through Amazon's Echo Dot allow a hands free operation that allows the parents to log the information as they take care of the baby. 

Feature List

  • Log every breast-feeding– Time and log every feeding.
  • Log feeding details – Log which breast, overall experience, and latch quality.
  • Log bottle feeding detail – Log time and amount of how much formula the baby ate.
  • Log pumping sessions – Time and log breast pumping detail, including which breast and how much was pumped.
  • Log diaper change – Time and log each diaper change, type, and quality.
  • Provide information – give previous feeding, pumping, or diaper change session upon request.

Functionality Matrix

Functionality matrix
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Workflow Diagram with Data Diagram

Workflow diagram2
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Future Work/Considerations

A large number of words are shared between different functions which throws Alexa off, leading to different functions being called. There are two methods to resolve this. One is to continue adding to the utterance, being mindful about the length and shared slots. The other is to run a couple of voice training on Alexa itself to increase it's accuracy.

In the future, there are a number of functionalities that can be added. These include printing the current db to json on html page, creating a reminder function, password lock/protection, and ability to delete records in case of mistakes.

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