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At the beginning of this course, I was aiming to solve for well intentioned consumers who waste food on accident due to lack of visibility and forgetfulness.

I reframed that objective into an actionable design challenge.

Design Challenge

Improve discoverability of hidden or forgotten food in the fridge, even while the user is not at home.

And came up with the following solution.


Create a smart device that monitors food freshness, sets smart timers based on the contents in the container and provides helpful, delightful and subtle reminders so you don't forget about the food that got pushed to the back of the fridge.   

Bill of Materials

  1. Particle Photon ($20) link
  2. One Wire Digital Temperature Sensor - DS18B20  ($3.95) link
  3. VOC gas sensor ($15) link
  4. NeoPixel Ring - 16 x WS2812 5050 RGB LED ($9.95)  link
  5. Tactile Button - SMD (6mm)  $0.50 link 
  6. Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 1200mAh ($9.95) link
  7. Mini Lithium Battery Power Charger Board ($5.06) link
  8. Alternative: SparkFun Photon Battery Shield ($12.95) link
  9. Semi-transparent 3D printed encasement (5.5 cm W x 3.5 cm H x 6.5 cm L)
Iot poster
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How It Works

The Particle Photon pushes SMS messages through Particle Console Webhooks POST requests.

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And can take in SMS messages as cloud variables via a Ruby gem integration. For details on how to get a Ruby app speaking with your Particle Photon, see here:

Particle Photon Core Code

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