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We had a baby daughter this fall. With my busy schedule of work and class, I felt not very connected to my daughters activities throughout the day. This is when I saw an opportunity to pursue this project using alexa and an sms bot to help me track my daughters activities throughout the day and thereby feel connected. 

This project was done in four steps:

1. Conceptualization

2. Technical exploration

3. Experience prototype

4. Implementation

Step 1: Conceptualization

Here I learnt to ideate and create a personality for my Bot and also the general workflow/structure of the conversation. 


1. Bot personality design

2. Workflow of the conversation with the alexa skill and sms bot

3. Priority matrix

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Pop aabio workflow
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Pop priority matrix
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Step 2: Technical exploration

In this step I took the conceptual ideas and did a technical exploration to see how feasible it is get this idea implemented. This includes doing research to see if there are other products out there that are similar, searching for API's that could help and etc. 


1. Data model (Entity relationship diagram)

2. Technical Precedents - list the relevant examples and gems 

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Technical Precedents

Alexa baby stats skill (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. - This is very close to what I wanted to create. The only missing component is an sms companion app. I also feel this skill is bloated, and would like to trim down a lot its functionality

Infant weight data (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.API- This would allow us to plotting growth charts

Global data chart on child growth by WHO (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

How to query UN dataset using REST API (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. - This link teaches how to use to query information from UN dataset

How to design a chatbot personality (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. - This chatbot magazine article provides guidelines to design a personality for chatbots

HOw NLP helps creating a personality (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. - Article that describes how NLP helps process the user intent and use it to respond with a personality

Baby personality types (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. - This article describes various baby personality types and for our SMS bot we can choose personality type based on type of message.

Step 3: Experience prototype

In this step create a quick prototype in code. Instead of building all the bells and whistles, create a first cut version with fake date to make it look functional. This is used to just test out the concept with other students in the class and get feedback on the experience. Here is the code of that experience prototype. 

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Step 4: Implementation

This is the final implementation with as much functionality I could add with database and using live date. This code is shown below.

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Next Steps:

1. Need to get the database deployed and working

2. Need to add capabilities to send text reminders after a set time of no baby stat being recorded

3. Use gifs of my baby instead of gifpy api. 

4. Think of how this could be scaled so, it can be shared as an alexa skill for others to use

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