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Who's Lingua?

A bot for your translation needs! With the help of Amazon Dot, ask Lingua to translate any word or sentence from English to another language. Lingua is a young bot, continuously learning new skills and languages to keep you on your feet, as you go through the world of language.

What can she do?

Provide Lingua with verbal input specifying a phrase and the language you want it translated to. She will respond verbally, as well as, send you an SMS with the translation.

Secondary functions include an option to revisit old translation and a quizzing game with questions based on previously translated phrases.

Tertiary Function could include a connection to a social API such as Facebook or Twitter. A user can share scores from the quiz or share progress in a language.

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What's important?

The priority matrix below highlights the various tasks that needed to be programmed, arranged according to the importance and effort required to accomplish them. 

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How does she work?

Lingua integrates three API's in it's functioning. It connects to the Microsoft Translate API for translations. The Alexa API provides the input and speech interaction while the Twilio API provides the SMS feedback. The app is written in Ruby Sinatra and PostgreSQL is used for the database. The app is deployed in the cloud using the Heroku platform service.

Functional Diagram

The diagram below illustrates the flow of possible interaction and functions  

Workflow2 01
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Data Flow Diagram

The following diagram shows the various databases in the app uses and how the databases connect to each other and the Microsoft Translate API.

Data flow diagram 01
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