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Problem statement

This project was inspired by my friend who had colorful lights in his room. He wanted a way to automate them according to his mood. I designed a lamp, which can be controlled by the tweets he posts on twitter. The color acts as the trigger word - if he tweets pink, the lamp would turn pink. It also has a distance sensor which lights up the lamp as soon as he walks close to the lamp, and shuts off as he walks away from it.


Bill of parts :

I plan to use the following parts/sensors to automate colorful lights:

1 x Particle Photon

1 x neopixel ring(16)

2 x Breadboards

1 x Distance sensor

- Jumper wires


My goal is to create an IoT connected device that can manipulate the lights in my lamp, through a social media platform - twitter. It also has an additional functionality of turning on and off the light based on a distance sensor. The goal is to make my friend( who tweets a lot ) control his lights in his room by tweeting the color he wants as per his mood.


As I approached this project, I first created an account on thingspeak which is an open source IoT application and API to store and retrieve data using the Http protocol.

Next, I connected the neopixel on a separate breadboard and connected it to the photon using the jumper wires. Then, i added the distance sensor.

The code needed 3 libraries in order to implement - httpclient, neopixel and HC_SR04 for the sensor. I connected my channel on thingspeak and added the ID on my code to establish the Http connection

Finally, I 3D printed a case for the lamp.

Whatsapp image 2018 01 31 at 10.26.12 pm %281%29
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Whatsapp image 2018 01 31 at 10.26.11 pm
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Whatsapp image 2018 01 31 at 10.26.12 pm
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Below is the circuit digram and the code -

Screen shot 2018 01 31 at 10.17.44 pm
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I learnt how to control lights using a social media platform, and i also learnt how to implement sensors in the code.

The end result of this project is a beautiful lamp which changes color according my tweets, and switches on/off the lights as per the distance.


This project was a very interesting experience. 

To add on, i would like to implement a facial recognition system which captures the mood, and then displays the corresponding light. 

The coding aspect was not that tough for me, but the electronics was new, and i learnt a lot about the different components used in circuits.

I feel very satisfied with this project and learnt a lot in the process.

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