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There is an increasing number of couples who either due to work, education opportunities or situations that are out of their hands find themselves in long distance relationships. One of the key factors that sustains a long distance relationship is frequent communication that feels intimate and personal. While there are a lot of different means of communication available, there aren’t any communication means where the object of communication reminds the person of their significant other.


This paired device, a pair of two teddy bears, helps a student who just got arrested after a demonstration connect with his wife in a subtle and rudimentary but powerful way. It helps him convey that he is thinking about her with just a few lines of recorded message that are very personal to his partner. He is in a situation where no smart phones or laptops are allowed.


Our main concern was finding the appropriate context to design for. what is meant by appropriate is where the product will be more useful to the user than a conventional communication means. Ideally, where there is no allowed regular communication at all (army contexts or prisoners). After a couple of iterations we were inspired by black mirrors episode "Black museum" to embed a communication system in a teddy bear. We felt that all what a solider in a foreign country or a prisoner needs is to check on their loved ones and say "I love you" or "I need a hug" when he is feeling down and receives  response in the same way.  

For the prototype itself, we cared about all buttons and speakers to be as inconspicuous as possible because that's the whole of the device, is to not show up as a walkie talkie. rather, a normal smart teddy bear that helps you check on your loved ones. 


Bill of Materials

1. Breadboard * 2

2. Photon * 2

3. Speaker * 2

4. DFPlayer * 2

5. Buttons * 4

6. Wires

7. Teddy Bears * 2


Story board1
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With every project we grasp how connected devices still have a long way to go.  A big potential is there requiring more useful products. For sensitive topics like intimacy alone we're coming with tons of ideas having no clue which one to try and prototype. Also. we felt we are still a bit constrained by the capabilities we have and our skills to build up a model and do the necessary programming. we really enjoyed working on this one, we were inspired by a Netflix show and we ended up doing something very similar. 

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