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Fat Fish Feeder:

My mother is a world traveler and it’s a problem for her pet Betta fish. Unlike dogs, it’s impossible to find a fish sitter. That’s why I find an automatic fish feeder to be a great #Homehack for her. This automatic fish feeder will only be used when my mother is not home so it’s essential to have an on/off switch with an LED to indicate that the feeder is on before she leaves. The fish feeder will have a servo that will roll the fish food canister once every 24 hours and drop the food into the fish tank. The feeder will text my mother once the fishes are fed. 

Fish feeder
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2017 01 27 14.50.25
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2017 01 27 14.50.34
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Fatfishfeeder bb
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Bill of Parts:

* Servo

* 10 Wires

* LED Light

* Breadboard

* Particle

* Switch

* Plastic Canister

* Fish Food

* 1 Ohm Resistor

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Merging two outputs into one circuit was not very hard, but making the code work the way I wanted to was quite tricky.

The plan was to have the servo turn once every 24 hours after the switch is switched on. Using a delay function blocks the rest of the code, therefore using a counter makes more sense. However, this code is very unfamiliar to me so it took a while to apply it to the complete code. With some help from my colleagues, I manged to figure out to work the feeder the way I wanted to.

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As it was mentioned previously, setting up the circuit wasn't really hard. The hard part is trying to create the right code to make the circuit work the way I wanted to. 

With this project, I learned how to read code better and how to connect several inputs and outputs together. After several days of debugging the code, I finally get to where I wanted to. 

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