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Our project is dedicated to the space around dreams and our ability to process our emotions, moods and stress in our sleep. We want to explore using objects in the bedroom as transactive memory and emotional deposits. Essentially, our goal is to enable users to be reflective of and to clear their heads of their emotions and ideas before they sleep, so that they do not lay in bed brooding. Two of our prototypes are intended to be interacted with as the user reflects and prepares for bed; they encourage the user to input their mood and stress levels through tactile forms of interaction. The user is awoken in the morning by the third device, which compiles data from the user’s input the night before and represents it in a beautiful and meaningful way. The user notices the impact that their mental state has on their sleep quality and how they feel in the morning.  

Device 1 | Mood Mobile:

Users reflect on the day’s events and their resulting mood as they settle into bed by interacting with the Mood Mobile. There are 3 objects, one representing a blissful and sunny emotion, one representing a nebulous and less optimistic emotion, and a final object representing a sharp and biting emotion. Upon interaction with the mobile, music that reflects the mood is played to motivate deeper reflection and acceptance during rest.  

Img 2060
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Item #DescriptionPart #SourceQTY
1Speaker1890 (Mini Metal Speaker w/ Wires - 8 ohm 0.5W)Adafruit3
2Accelerometer1120 (Triple-axis Accelerometer+Magnetometer (Compass) Board - LSM303)Adafruit3
3Ultrasonic Sensor13959 (HC-SR04)sparkfun3
4Touch Sensor1374 (Standalone Momentary Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout - AT42QT1010)Adafruit3
5Power SourceuniversalAmazon1
6Steel String1mm * 30mAmazon1
7Steel Rod10 pcs 3mm * 300 mmAmazon1
8MP3 ModuleDFP Player MiniDFrobot.com3
Mobiles bb
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Device 2 | Get it Off Your Mind Jar:

This device creates an opportunity for users to reflect on the thoughts and ideas that are on their mind. Users add sea glass to a jar to represent off-loading their thoughts. Users can gently set their “thoughts” in the receptacle, or can throw them with force. As the user adds more thoughts to the jar, LED lights climb its walls, representing the accumulation of offloaded racing thoughts.    

Image uploaded from ios %2810%29
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Bill of Materials
Item #DescriptionPart #SourceQTY
1LED Strip LightsAdafruit Mini Skinny NeoPixel Digital RGB LED Strip - 60 LED/m - WHITEAdafruit1 meter
2Force sensitive resistorSEN-09375 ROHSparkfun1
4ResistorsN/APhoton Kit/IdeateN/A
5Particle PhotonN/APhoton Kit1
6Power Source12V 5A switching power supplyAdafruit1

Device 3 | Emotion Reflective Alarm:

This device enables the user to awake and to reflect on the emotions and stress that they have been subject to, and encourages him or her to take time in the morning to notice how this makes them feel. This alarm clock device utilizes light and sound to output data received from device #1 and #2. Receives 1 of 3 emotions from device #1 and outputs color via LED to reflect emotions. Receives 1 of 2 stress levels from device #2 and outputs sounds via speaker to reflect stress level.  

Emo clock concept sketch
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Item #DescriptionPart #SourceQTY
1LED Strip LightsAdafruit Mini Skinny NeoPixel Digital RGB LED Strip - 60 LED/m - WHITEAdafruit1 meter
2Speaker20W 4 Ohm Full Range Speaker - XS-GTF1027Adafruit1
3String/WireN/AMichael's Craftstore12 ft.
46" Dia Foam BallN/AMichael's Craftstore1
5Perf BoardN/AIdeate1
7ResistorsN/APhoton Kit/IdeateN/A
8Particle PhotonN/APhoton Kit1
9Power Source12V 5A switching power supplyAdafruit1
10Audio AmplifierAdafruit 20W Stereo Audio Amplifier - MAX9744Adafruit1
11Audio CableN/AElectronics Store1
12MP3 ModuleDFP Player MiniDFrobot.com1
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