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This device enables the user to wake up and reflect on the emotions and stress from yesterday, and encourages him or her to take time in the morning to notice how this makes them feel.

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Concept Description

 This alarm clock device utilizes light and sound to output data received from 'Mood Mobile' and 'Off-Your-Mind Jar'. It receives 1 of 3 emotions from 'Mood Mobile' and outputs color via LED to reflect emotions. It receives 1 of 2 stress levels from the 'Off-Your-Mind Jar' and outputs sounds via speaker to reflect stress level through different types of music. 


  • Concept Iterations: Disco Ball vs. Net
    As you can see in the sketch below, this device began as a disco-ball shaped device. We iterated and updated our design, inspired by mosquito nets surrounding a bed. We felt that this netting would serve to represent mood very well, and the user must physically 'exit' the mood they are in (the netting) in order to interact with the mobile and change their mood. 
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Item #Description
1LED Individual Lights
8Particle Photon
9Power Source
10Audio Amplifier
11Audio Cable
12MP3 Module


We started our design process around a disco ball idea. The initial idea was to design a disco ball-like device hanging from the ceiling reflecting user's mood based on previous day's information, which would come from Mood Mobile and Off-Your-Mind Jar. Our idea evolved into a hanging device, composed of fabric and Mood Mobile components, above the bed in order to enable user to interact just after he/she wakes up in the morning.  

Below are some photographs as our design process progressed.

Fabrics: Our first decision was between different types of fabrics for the netting. The first of these two fabrics was more net-like and possibly more sturdy. The second material was more fluid and was found to diffuse LED lights better from within. We chose to prototype with the second material. 

Image uploaded from ios %281%29
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Image uploaded from ios
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LEDs: Our initial vision for this prototype included individual LEDs, spread throughout the netting. This strategy, we hoped, would create an etherial effect, with the netting glowing in a lovely way above the bed that it hangs over. 

We struggled with these LEDs, which were difficult to wire, solder, and attach to the netting. In this process, they lost their seamless and ethereal nature that we were shooting for. We made a decision to switch the single LEDs out for the LED strips. 

Img 3925
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Img 3924
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Clock wiring diagram bb
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Overall, we felt that this concept (despite it's occasional frustrations with creation and linking to the other devices) was a successful component of the larger IoT Product System, R.E.M. It serves its purpose as a reflection of mood and stress level in connection with the other two devices. 

We feel that, with further iterations, we can improve the connectivity between devices, the LED placement on the fabric, and the connection between this device and the Mood Mobile hanging in the same physical space. 

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