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The creation of this bot came around as a small way to get to know a little about me. I enjoy jokes and this bot has some good ones to tell.


Using bots to create small talk is a great idea in this day and age. It is a fun and interactive way to get to know someone and their likes and dislikes before ever meeting them. In some ways a bot could also reflect how one talks and their individual sense of humor. 


Having a very limited background in coding, it took me a while to get the hang of what I was doing (although I am still getting it together). Taking what we learned throughout the skill devs in class, I was able to put together a body response along with some gifs from the giphy API.


The result of this chatbot came to be a simple conversation which a sample of so can be found below. 


During this project, I had to really step outside my comfort zone to figure out more about learning ruby. It helped cement better coding practices and also got me to think and play with APIs. Although some things did not work out the way I had hoped, I have to keep learning and keep trying different things. If I had more time, I am sure I would be able to figure out and try more new and exciting things.

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