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The JoeBot is an SMS based chatbot that allows users to learn more about my interests by exploring the music, television shows, and books I am interested in, as well as providing a link for them to purchase or stream this content themselves.

Core Interactions

Users can ask simple questions through both conversational text and emoji to get information about the bot and its creator. While simple questions such as who, what, when and where are covered, the core interactions are surrounding the topics of music, books, and television.

📖 BooksBooks
Q: When a user asks questions like, " What is Joe reading?", "What books does he like", or simply "📖" the bot looks for keywords (i.e. read, reading, book) or emojis to determine a response.
A: The JoeBot responds with a randomly selected book from my reading list (reading.txt) and provides the user with the name, author and link to purchase on Amazon, which includes an image preview.
🍿 TelevisionTelevision
Q: To get a better understanding of my television interests users can as, " What is Joe watching?", "What is his favorite TV show?", or simply "🍿" the bot looks for keywords (i.e. watching , watch, TV, Television, show) or emojis to determine a response.
A: The JoeBot responds with a randomly selected television show from a list of my favorite shows (watching.txt) and provides the user with the show name and link to Amazon's streaming service, which includes an image preview.
🎧 MusicMusic
Q: The last core interaction is all about my favorite music, " What is Joe listening to these days?", "What music does he like", or simply "🎧" the bot looks for keywords (i.e. listening , listen, music) or emojis to determine a response.
A: The JoeBot responds with a randomly selected Album from a list of my current favorite albums (listening.txt) and provides the user with the artist name, album name and link to stream via Amazon's music streaming service, which includes an image preview.

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JoeBot is intended to be both casual and useful as such I have used body.include?("key")  rather than body == "keyword"  to allow for there to be some degree of leniency in the questions that the bot will respond to allowing users to just ask questions rather than memorize key phrases. Additionally, introducing emojis as a means of triggering responses is intended to reflect a sense of playfulness. Although casual, by providing users with image previews and direct links to purchase or stream the content, interactions with the JoeBot should are practical and useful.

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