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When you're a tourist, steady internet access can be hard. So can speaking in the local language. So I envisioned an app that would simply offer text-based translation services based on location and inputs. 


Our mobile phones are probably one of the most powerful handheld tools of the 21st century. But their usefulness is for the most part tied to apps, which rely on the internet. An SMS bot needs only to connect to a local operator, and won't need to rely on a mobile internet connection which can also drain battery power. Thus allowing translation over SMS easier and smoother. 


I had to first unlearn what I've learned in C and C++. That being said, the first task was to tie the app to the Google Translate API. It's mostly smooth after that, I had to just enable the right internal functions to take in the text, detect the language, and then output a translation. 


The result is what the intention describes, a translator bot that provides translations. 


I can confidently say I now know how useful and powerful APIs can really be. While putting together this app was definitely a challenge owing to my limited coding background, with enough practice it's possible to build and scale apps and their functionality.  

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